

Texas Instruments (TI) is committed to delivering high-quality and reliable semiconductor solutions. To help mitigate the risk of counterfeit products, TI strongly encourages its customers to purchase all TI semiconductor products through TI’s authorized sources: either directly from TI or through a TI-authorized distributor.

Many counterfeits have markings and labels that resemble those on authentic TI products, leading customers to believe that they are genuine. Counterfeit products are not manufactured, packaged, labelled, stored or shipped according to TI’s standards, however, and they pose considerable performance, safety and reliability risks.

Semiconductor products purchased outside of TI’s authorized sources – including through brokers, independent distributors or online marketplaces (sometimes referred to as the “gray market”) – may be counterfeit or unreliable. Additionally, TI does not provide warranty coverage or customer support for semiconductor products purchased outside of its authorized sources.

TI works actively with the Semiconductor Industry Association and other organizations to combat counterfeiting, advance industry standards that help reduce the incidence of counterfeits, and assist law enforcement agencies in their efforts to address this challenge.

If you suspect that you have counterfeit parts, please create a new case with our Customer Support Center and include all of the following information. We can only evaluate your case if you send us:

  • A completed Counterfeit Validation Form, also available from the Customer Support Center.
  • High-quality digital photos of the bottom and top of the device(s).
  • High-quality digital photos of the TI 2D barcode labels.
  • Copies or photographs of shipping documents, including the packing slip showing the origin of the devices to TI. (If you cannot provide this information, we will not be able to provide verification, due to uncertainties regarding the chain of custody of the products.)